
Here is full configuration reference for app.config.ts.

Main configuration

This data affects most visible parts of your documentation site.

titlestringd0xigenTitle of your documentation site. Most likely it is name of described project.
social.githubstringundefinedLink to GitHub repository of your project.

Meta information

This data affects meta tags of your documentation site.

titlestringd0xigenTitle of your documentation site. Most likely it is name of described project.
descriptionstringMy awesome docsDescription of your documentation site.
urlstringhttps://d0rich.meURL where your documentation site will be hosted.
authorstringNikolai DorofeevAuthor of your documentation site. Most likely it is you.
seo.keywordsstring[][]Keywords for SEO. Affects only meta tags.
og.imagestring/og/image.jpgPath to image for Open Graph protocol.

Additional features

You might like it.

features.mermaidbooleantrueToggle mermaidjs diagrams on website.
features.gtag.idstringG-XXXXXXXXXXMeasurement id for Google Analytics.

Full reference

All config options in one place.

titlestringd0xigenTitle of your documentation site. Most likely it is name of described project.
descriptionstringMy awesome docsDescription of your documentation site.
urlstringhttps://d0rich.meURL where your documentation site will be hosted.
authorstringNikolai DorofeevAuthor of your documentation site. Most likely it is you.
social.githubstringundefinedLink to GitHub repository of your project.
seo.keywordsstring[][]Keywords for SEO. Affects only meta tags.
og.imagestring/og/image.jpgPath to image for Open Graph protocol.
features.mermaidbooleantrueToggle mermaidjs diagrams on website.
features.gtag.idstringG-XXXXXXXXXXMeasurement id for Google Analytics.